About Us

Welcome to Chevy's Vintage, where each vintage piece weaves a story of elegance and sustainability into the fabric of your wardrobe.
Founded by Chevonne and Bruce, our boutique is a sanctuary for fashion enthusiasts craving unique, vintage finds from the 50s to the 90s.
We’ve dedicated over thirty years to meticulously curating a collection that celebrates diversity, from ethnic and Afrocentric treasures to rare vintage gems, all handpicked so you can effortlessly elevate your personal style.
Our mission extends beyond fashion. Chevy's Vintage is deeply committed to enriching our community and protecting our planet. Through initiatives to reduce textile waste, we're forging a path toward a more sustainable and stylish future.
Chevy's Vintage is more than a store—it's a movement. It's about embracing the timeless beauty of vintage fashion while fostering a sustainable and inclusive world.
Join our community at Chevy's Vintage, where your next timeless treasure awaits, and experience the joy of discovering fashion that tells a story.

“We scour the land to curate wonderful vintage pieces, so you don’t have to.”